Valletta, Malta – July 2024: The AI4Green SME Project consortium is excited to announce the kickoff of the second phase of the project. The project, which is co-funded by the Erasmus+ program, aims to help small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in EU adopt AI and circular economy practices to become more sustainable and efficient.

The second phase of the project began with a workshop in Valletta, Malta, which brought together partners from Malta, Cyprus, Spain, and Bulgaria. During the workshop, participants discussed the results of a qualitative and quantitative research study that was conducted in five countries to assess SMEs’ knowledge of AI and the circular economy, the challenges they face, and their future plans. Based on the findings of the research, the partners will develop a training program that will be delivered to SMEs in the coming months.

The goal of the training program is to help SMEs understand how AI can be used to innovate in the circular economy and save resources and energy. The program will cover a variety of topics, including:

  • What is AI and how can it be used in business?
  • The benefits of using AI for circular economy applications
  • How to get started with AI in your business
  • Case studies of SMEs that are using AI for circular economy

The AI4Green SME Project consortium is committed to helping SMEs in EU adopt AI and circular economy practices. The project is an important step in achieving this goal.